7月21日,IFPRI资深研究员、浙江大学求是讲席教授陈志钢与浙江大学中国农村发展研究院茅锐教授及贾梓祎博士在经济学领域知名国际期刊《China & World Economy》发表论文,揭示疫情对农产品贸易的影响。文章题为“疫情冲击下进口管制措施对农产品出口的影响:对中国的启示(Impacts of import refusals on agricultural exports during pandemics: Implications for China)”。
Pandemic outbreaks disrupt agricultural trade. The possible strengthening of import barriers to products from countries at the epicenter of a pandemic by their trade partners could aggravate this situation. This paper examines the responses of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), import refusals, and subsequent trade impacts on the agricultural exports from the developing countries that were the epicenters of four pandemics in the past two decades. Using monthly data for the period 2002–2020, we find increased import refusals and amplified trade-impeding impacts on agricultural exports during pandemic outbreaks. Increased import refusals and the amplification of the trade-impeding effect of import refusals were especially large when China was the epicenter. We further examine possible differences in these results across products and FDA inspection methods, and the main conclusions remain robust. This paper offers a better understanding of the economic outcomes of pandemic outbreaks and provides policy suggestions for China.